Huehuetenango Adiesto Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Guatemala

June 5, 2018

ADIESTO is an acronym for Asociación de Desarrolla Integral Esperanza Toneca, a producer association dedicated to reducing the environmental footprint left by the cultivation and processing of specialty coffee in the department of Huehuetenango. The association also provides technical assistance to farmers who want to become organic certified coffee producers. Adiesto is made up of 704 members, with 150 of those members being women, an increasing demographic in specialty coffee producers today.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade Certified 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Huehuetango, Guatemala

  • VARIETY | Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Cocoa, tangerine, honey and peach

  • ALTITUDE | 1,300-1,720 Meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed

  • DRYING | Sun Dried

  • HARVEST | January-April

  • EXPORT | March-June

  • LOT | 1045

We proudly offer Organic Fair Trade Guatemala Huehuetenango Adiesto in the following products: